Market Snapshot
Q1, 2021
Guests are defining their ideal customer experience regardless of format. Their expectations are being set by the best experience overall.
Convenience: There has been a massive surge in digital ordering and in the adoption of new fulfillment options such as curbside pickup and delivery. Guests are becoming accustomed to the convenience these services provide and will want them to continue post-pandemic.
Consistent Experience: The digitization of the dining experience was rapidly accelerated in 2020. Guests want the ability to leverage digital capabilities such as ordering or payment regardless of whether they are in-location or at home and they want a consistent experience across all formats and buying journeys.
Value: Value is not solely defined by the lowest price. Guests who believe they are getting better value by superior service or food quality are still willing to pay more. However, the economy is still hurting, so restaurateurs must balance the equation appropriately.